GMZ #004001

Type: ANCHOR HANDLING TOWING SUPPLY, Built 1980 / USA, Flag St. Vincent and the Grenadines, LOA/Beam/Depth/Draft: 150 ft/ 36 ft / 14 ft / 12.7 ft, GT/NT 471/141, Machinery / Equipment: Main Engines 2 x CAT 3508 (Turbo charged) Horsepower 1,900 HP (1,450 kw), Auxiliary Generators 2 x Isuzu (75 kw), Gears Twin Disc 6:1, Propeller 2 x 74”x65” 4 blades, Towing Gear Single drum – diesel driven DD 6V53, Cable Capacity 1,600’ of 2”. Capacities: Fuel 78,560 USG. Cargo Water 173,000 USG, Pot Water 39,564 USG, Drilling Fluids 1,500 BBLS, Liquid Mud 59,378 USG, Deck Cargo 400 LT, Fire Fighting Foam 1,720 USG. Performance: Maximum Speed 12 Knots (90 GPH), Towing Speed 10 Knots (60 GPH). Accommodations: Cabins 7, Berths 22. Transfer Rates. Fuel 500 GPM @ 160 ft, Cargo Water 500 GPM @ 160 ft, Drilling Fluids 900 GPM @ 200 ft. Electronics: Radar/Chart Plotter Ray Marine C 120, GPS Furuno GP-32, VHF Radios ICOM IC-M802, ICF412, Standard Horizon HX891E, AIS Furuno FA-100

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