GMZ #00900

Built: 2017, Flag: Kapal Malaysia (KM), Length Overall: 39.900 m, Breadth Moulded: 9.60m, Depth Moulded: 3.10 m, DWT/Draft: 546t/2.55 m, GRT/NRT: 269/81, Cruising Speed: 8~10 Knots, DECK &CARGO CAPACITY: Clear Deck Space: 220 m², Deck Strength: 5 mt/m², Fuel Oil: 6.1 m³, Cargo Fuel Oil: 677.4 m³, MACHINERY &AUXILLARY MACHINERY: Main Engines: 2 x 500HP, Cummins KTA-19M3. Propulsion: 2 x FPP, LIFE SAVING EQUIPMENT: Lifebuoy: 6 pcs, Life Jacket: 9 pcs

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